How to use Scalping Crypto strategy on Bitget for Beginners?
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Pict: Trade Pro |
Today's , I will discuss a method that you can use to get a much money income from the internet every day by How To use Scalping strategy on Bitget For Beginners? . So for friends who may not know what is scalping?
Scalping is the method most often used by beginner and expert traders to be able to get profits from the internet in a relatively short amount of time. Because by using the scalping method you can make buying and selling transactions on the crypto market and then get profits in just a matter of minutes, but you also need to know that even though it looks tempting because the income you can get from this method is quite large, you also of course have to pay attention one thing, to be able to do this scalping you need to have good analytical skills because if you do it only using feeling, without good analysis, it is certain that big losses will be experienced.
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Pict: Bitget |
Basic Skills of Scalping , it is better if the time frame is set at 1 minute, there are many choices of what markets we can enter to do this scalping. Bitcoin then there is LTC, etherium, Tron, Dodge, solana matic and others.
Now for trading, I prefer l market LTC. Because a few days ago LTC tended to follow the light coin's price movements because as we know, yesterday the light line just rose significantly because many people are starting to look at light points as a source of investment at the end of 2022.
Then, make buying and selling transactions or trading transactions in a relatively short time. You must know the support area and resistance area which is the initial basis of a trade. I mean, know the lowest price area as well as the highest price before trading.
So, when you use this Scalping , all you need to do is maintain your position. when you get the profit, you just close the position immediately.
Scalping Strategy Crypto on Bitget is actually simple, you just have to keep an eye on where the lowest price is and where the highest price is. The most important thing is to play it safe, don't be too hasty to get it in 1 transaction, because it will hurt yourself. Because the name crypto is very much different from stocks or Forex, as we know Crypto is an asset that has a very high volatility value and of course it can be at risk of causing you to lose your funds.